Swift is a new technology, developed in the UK, which has been licensed for the general treatment of skin lesions, warts & Verruca in Podiatry and Dermatology.
Swift uses microwave energy which is delivered through a special probe applied to the skin to treat the affected tissue.
It is not uncommon for patients to feel a sharp sensation, similar to an injection. Unlike most treatments for verruca, pain felt during the treatment quickly subsides and only lasts a matter of seconds.
This is the most up to date technology in the treatment of verrucas. Swift Verruca Microwave Therapy passes cutting edge microwaves safely through the skins layers to ZAP that Verruca, leaving no burns or scarring without using any toxic chemicals allowing immediate return to full activity.
• No Need To Make Any Scalpel Incisions
• No Need Use Any Needles
• No Painful Burns From Using Toxic Chemicals
• No Need For Taking Time Off Work, Get Treatment During Lunch
• No Need To Stop Sports, Even Swimming.
• No Need For Fiddling With Daily Nuisance Plasters or Creams
There is no need for anaesthetics or pain relief medication.
There is no down time after treatment. No plasters. And you can return to activity & sport straight away. In some cases the treated area may feel sore but will not prevent you undertaking normal daily activities.
The protocol for Swift treatment is 3 treatments, 4 weeks apart and a follow up appointment 12 weeks after the final treatment. Treatment success was achieved by 83% of patients following these guidelines. As each individual case is different some patients required further treatment after the 12 week period.
With a few exceptions, most people with skin lesions would be able to have this treatment. Your Podiatrist will carry out an assessment prior to treatment and be able to advise you on this.
Warts are a common foot condition that have several names including a verruca or plantar warts.. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is passed between people through contact. Warts can also be spread via something called “auto-inoculation,” which means you spread the warts from one part of your body to another part.
Warts can occur on any part of the body, but let’s consider warts that present on the feet. Many people associate warts with poor hygiene, and can therefore feel self conscious about the fact they have one. Warts are not a reflection of one’s hygiene, and even those with very good personal hygiene, can get a wart.
Call our reception today if you would like to speak to someone regarding this treatment.
Merrion Foot Clinic,
23 Seafield Rd,
Trimblestown, Blackrock,
Co. Dublin, A94 DX27
Athlone Foot Clinic
Unit 2, 95 Sean Costello St, Athlone, Co.Westmeath, N37 XE08