Ingrown Toenail Surgery

Ingrown  TOenails Or Involution  Toenail

Benefits of ingrown toenail surgery

  • An ingrown toenail develops when the sides of the toenail grow into the surrounding skin. Pain and tenderness to the sides of the toe nail as well as the tip of the toe. Nail curvature is exaggerated and can look C shaped when viewing from the apex. The big toe is often affected, either on one or both sides. The nail curls and pierces the skin, which becomes red, swollen and tender


What are ingrown toenails?

Ingrown toe nails are very common and are conservatively and surgically managed by your podiatry team at Commonly you may experience pain in the big toe nail that can impact walking or running. The toe can become red, hot, swollen and may show signs of infection.

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Signs and Symptoms of ingrown toe nails:

  • Hard skin near the nail.
  • Tenderness in the skin around the nail.
  • Swelling around the skin and nail.
  • The skin may be bleeding.
  • A curved painful toe nail.
  • The toe is painful.
  • Redness in the skin next to the nail.
  • The toe may be hot.
  • Pus or infection may be present near the toe nail.

Causes of ingrowing toenails:

  • Footwear – ill fitting shoes and footwear which is too tight.
  • Inappropriate cutting – leaving spikes in the nail which pierce the skin.
  • Injury – Dropping an object on the nail or sports such as running causing pressure on the nail.
  • Hereditary nail conditions – Abnormal curves in the nail.
  • Posture or foot abnormality.
  • Infection.

Treatment options:

  • Deep/wide footwear giving you more space around the toes.
  • Soaking the feet in salt water and using antiseptic cream such as savlon.
  • Conservative cutting of the nail completed regularly by podiatrists.
  • Nail surgery – Removal of part of the nail or the whole nail.

Nail Surgery – How will the toe nail be removed?

After an assessment for suitability for this procedure, two local anaesthetic injections will be injected into the toe/toe’s.

After 5 minutes the toe/toe’s will be numb and either a portion of the nail or the whole nail will be removed. The anaesthetic makes the procedure pain free.

A chemical (phenol) will be applied to destroy the exposed nail bed so the part of the removed nail never grows back again (95% success).

The toe is then dressed with a large bandage.

After the procedure you are required to rest and take pain relief (if required).

This procedure takes around one hour. You can walk normally afterwards but are required to bring flip flops, and cannot drive for 24 hours.

How painful is it afterwards?

Most clients do not need pain relief medication following this procedure, however some people may experience mild symptoms. If the toe is painful it is advisable to take over-the -counter pain relief such as Paracetamol. Do not take anything which contains anti-coagulant medication such as Aspirin.

Are there any risks involved?

This procedure is considered a safe and effective way to treat in growing toe nails. Like any procedure there are minor risks involved which your podiatrist will discuss with you during the assessment and when gaining formal consent prior to booking this procedure.

Clinic Locations:

Appointments are available at all clinical sites. Nail Surgery is available at all our clinic locations.


Simply book an appointment using our online booking system via the link below

or call us on (01) 539 7834 and we'll take care of the rest.

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