Biomechanics refers to the study of physical laws which govern human movement. As podiatrists, we are especially interested in the relationship between biomechanics and conditions affecting the foot and lower limb, which may also impact higher in the body such as in the hip and low back.
Through understanding biomechanical abnormalities, we are able to identify faulty biomechanics that may require correction. At Myfeet Podaitry Clinics we conduct biomechanical gait analyses using specialised equipment to assist with the diagnosis of musculoskeletal, mechanical foot and lower limb problems. Our gait analysis program enables us to look specifically at the function of your foot and lower limb, identifying faulty biomechanics to guide appropriate treatment.
Following a biomechanical gait analysis, we may prescribe a number of treatments to improve foot function. This can include stretching and strengthening exercises, activity advice, orthotics or footwear modification.
Gait Analysis Biomechanical Treadmill (Priory Foot Clinic, Wicklow Street Foot Clinic)
It’s an inevitable fact of running that injuries can occur. If we consider that 2-3 times our body weight goes through out feet as we run, its not surprising that most running injuries affect the lower limbs. These injuries can be debilitating and can lead to extended periods of time of inaction.
In a 2007 study they looked at long distance runners and where the most common sites were for injuries. Listed below is a breakdown of where these runners tended to get injuries in the lower limbs:
Not only does this technology show us if one foot carries more force or than the other foot it also allows us to figure out why this is happening.
For example, if one foot is carrying more pressure under the ball of the foot this may be because of tightness in the calves on one leg or even a difference in the length of your legs. If you have heel pain from running then we can measure this data and have a better understanding of the cause by seeing the differences in the feet.
Over-striding or under-striding is another common contributor to running injuries. Everyone has a different ideal cadence (steps per minute). This technology allows us to view your gait frame by frame to determine the appropriate cadence for you to reduce your chance of injury.
Being about to understand why your issues are developing can ensure we are treating the cause of the problems rather than just the symptoms.
Not at all! The information generated by this incredible technology is useful for everyone.
Gait analysis system also assesses walking gait and stance. Regardless of your physical ability or presenting complaint, this technology will allow us to understand your biomechanics, which can give valuable insights into any foot or lower limb issues you may have.
Diabetes can have serious effects on the feet. Foot ulcers and amputations are among the more sinister complications of diabetes. However very often this is preventable.
In diabetic patients, if areas under the foot carry too much pressure this can lead to skin breakdowns and ulcerations.
The pressure assessment shows us exactly how much pressure is carried under the foot and precisely where it is carried. With this information we can predict if you are at risk of skin breakdown and ulceration.
The benefit this can have for preventing pressure ulcers in diabetic patients cannot be understated.
Traditionally these high-pressure areas go unnoticed, so the first signs that the foot is carrying an unhealthy amount of pressure is either pain, corns or callus formation, or skin breakdown/ulceration.
Now we are able to able to detect problems before a more serious issue occurs. Using this information we can develop preventative strategies to offload these areas. For example changing shoes, adding padding or soft material to the base of the shoe or pressure deflective orthotics.
Kids will also benefit from a biomechanical assessment. For example, a common condition we see in children is in-toing or being ‘pigeon toed’. Treatment for in-toeing usually consists of exercises to strengthen and stretch certain muscles which are contributing to the legs being positioned inwards. Another treatment includes ‘gait-plates’ which are a specific type of orthotic innersole. This innersole improves the child’s gait by making it more comfortable and efficient for the child to walk with their legs and feet facing forward. The Biomechanical assessment generates quantifiable data about your child’s mechanics. With this data we can appreciate the exact degree that your child is in-toeing or out-toeing and understand how well they are responding to treatment.
The technology of the Biomechanical system can be very useful for older patients. Areas of high pressure beneath the feet is a concern for the elderly. Corns, callus and ulcers can develop under the foot when certain parts of the foot carry too much pressure. With this information we are ale to implement pressure deflective measures inside the shoe to stop these issues occurring.
Falls are a main cause of morbidity and disability in the elderly. This technology analyses your centre of pressure when standing. This allows us to prescribe simple exercises to improve your postural control, stability, strength and balance.
Merrion Foot Clinic,
23 Seafield Rd,
Trimblestown, Blackrock,
Co. Dublin, A94 DX27
Athlone Foot Clinic
Unit 2, 95 Sean Costello St, Athlone, Co.Westmeath, N37 XE08