Lazer Treatment of our Verruca in the Dublin Podiatry Clinic

What is a verruca?

A verruca is a wart that appears on the bottom of your feet. For most
people they do not cause any pain but occasionally if they become large enough, they can cause discomfort walking. A verruca is caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV).

There are over 100 strains of HPV. Most HPV strains are benign and do not cause any serious complications.

How did I get my verruca?

Verrucae are transferred from person to person by skin to skin contact or on warm moist surfaces. A lot of people pick up verrucae in communal changing areas, showers, or swimming pools.

You should always avoid walking barefoot in these areas!

What should I do if I think I have a verruca?

If you think you have a verruca you should visit your podiatrist where
they can tailor a treatment plan to you and your lifestyle.

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