Help is available for you at the MyFeet clinics
Ingrown nails are one of the more common problems that our Podiatrists see on a daily basis.
Ingrown nails are often the result of abnormal nail growth or damage to the nail bed.
When the nail grows out it is forced into the skin at the side of the toe and can be extremely painful.
Not treating or treating incorrectly at home can increase the risk of infection and make the problem much worse.
In most cases our experienced Podiatrists will use special equipment and can remove the offending small piece of nail and relieve the pain almost instantly. This is often painless and the whole process is over and done with very quickly.
For re-occurring persistent ingrown toenails a very effective form of permanent treatment is nail surgery. It is a quick and gentle procedure that is done with local anaesthetic to numb the affected toe.
There are 2 main types of nail surgery and our Podiatrists are very experienced in both and will be with you every step of the way.
Partial Nail Avulsion: is where a piece of the side of the nail is permanently removed.
This procedure is preferred mainly for aesthetic reasons and usually results in the nail looking perfectly normal after it heals up.
Total Nail Avulsion: is where the entire nail is removed and never grows back.
This was a preferred procedure many years ago but is not very common these days due to cosmetic reasons. To prevent re-growth we sterilise the area where the nail was removed and this stops the nail from growing back and causing the problem again.
There are several factors that could cause an infected ingrown toenail, including:
Wearing tight-fitting socks or shoes
Not cutting toenails properly (too short, not straight)
Injuring the toe
Picking the nails
Having sweaty feet
There are several things to keep in mind when choosing treatment for an infected toe. If you would like to treat an infected ingrown toenail at home, try these steps:
If this treatment does not work, it is probably time to seek infected toe treatment from a podiatrist. Although an infected ingrown toenail is a small problem, it can cause more severe conditions if left untreated.
Ingrown toenail are common and can be managed in a variety of ways.
Podiatrists are experts at managing ingrown toenails, and often, the treatment can be simple and with limited discomfort. Therefore, we can manage the ingrown toenail and any possible infection that may occur.
Contact your MyFeet Clinic for an appointment
Merrion Foot Clinic,
23 Seafield Rd,
Trimblestown, Blackrock,
Co. Dublin, A94 DX27
Athlone Foot Clinic
Unit 2, 95 Sean Costello St, Athlone, Co.Westmeath, N37 XE08