At, we use minimally invasive surgical techniques that have been shown to achieve a permanent resolution of ingrown toenails in up to 98.5% of cases. Toenail Surgery is recommended when an ingrown toenail repeatedly becomes painful or infected, and when other conservative treatments have proved unsuccessful. The most common procedure we perform, a Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA), involves the painless removal of the offending portion of the nail. In most cases, a chemical (phenol) is used to help with preventing regrowth of the removed section of nail.
Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA)
A minimally invasive surgical technique that permanently removes one or both sides of the affected nail. You are left with a slightly narrower nail, without the ingrown section.
A quick procedure – just 45 to 60 minutes
A normal-looking nail is left after healing
Fixes the issue permanently
A quick recovery time
In rare cases, it may be recommended that the entire nail be removed - this is called a total nail avulsion and is usually reserved for significantly deformed or problematic nails.
A permanent solution for the nail, which won’t grow back
A simple and quick procedure – just 45 to 60 minutes
Rapid recovery rates
Partial Nail Avulsion with phenolisation is the most common solution for ingrown toenails. Safe, simple and effective, it uses phenol (a mild acid) to destroy the nail matrix, with low levels of post-operative pain and infection. With a high success rate and a natural-looking nail, this is the preferred treatment for the majority of our patients.
The liquid phenol is applied to the problem area for at least one minute, allowing the mild acid to destroy the nail matrix and remove the cause of the pain and discomfort. Phenol treatments is not advised for pregnant or breastfeeding patients.
We have a wide range of services if Nail surgery is not what you want. Please feel free to email us to discuss further
Merrion Foot Clinic,
23 Seafield Rd,
Trimblestown, Blackrock,
Co. Dublin, A94 DX27
Athlone Foot Clinic
Unit 2, 95 Sean Costello St, Athlone, Co.Westmeath, N37 XE08