Chiropodist City Centre Dublin- Wicklow Street Podiatry Clinic
At the Podiatry Clinic Dublin we provide private chiropody/podiatry care which is carried out in a relaxed, clinical environment by fully qualified podiatrists. The standard of care you receive here is second to none and the sterilisation of all instruments is done to hospital surgery standard.
We are based in Dublin 2 in the heart of Dublin City centre.
Bio-mechanical foot abnormalities
Pes Plano Valgus (Flat Foot)
PodoPaediatric Gait
Club Foot
Leg Length problems
Heel spur pain
Plantar Facititis
Lower Limb Myofascial release therapy
Ankle pain
Knee pain
Swift Lazer Verruca Treatment
Back and shoulder pain
Diabetic Footcare
Sports Orthotics
Achilles tendon pain
Ingrown Toenail Surgery
Bio Mechanical Assessment and Computer Aided Gait Analysis
This involves a scan of your feet being taken in stance and walking which is then portrayed as a moving image of the foot on a computer screen. Using this we can also deliver a detailed breakdown of timing and pressure in your foot joints.
Nail Surgery
We perform the surgical removal of ingrown side of the nail using phenolisation which prevents new growth at the sides of the nail, offering a permanent solution to ingrown toe nail recurrences. This operation has a 97% success rate.
Diabetic Foot Care
We provide holistic and specialised foot care for patients with diabetes, Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD), neuropathic or immune-compromised patients.
Verrucae are warts on your feet which are notoriously difficult to treat. We provide a range of treatments which, with diligence, successfully remove these painful growths.
Skin Problems
We offer a comprehensive range of treatments for skin or nail infections. Issues we treat for include fungal skin infections (e.g. athlete’s foot), fungal nail infections and bacterial skin and nail infections. Infections are diagnosed through laboratory testing and then treated accordingly.
Lower Limb Myofascial Release Therapy
Myofascial Release therapy is also known as dry needling. We use this as a treatment for a variety of conditions including muscle strain and tiredness, arthritic conditions, Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis.
Do you have an ingrown toenail? Need to see a Podiatrist in Dublin? What Podiatry is near you?
Visit a Podiatrist near me today. Visit a Podiatrist in Dublin today.
Book and Appointment today in our clinic to see what can be done for your feet with a Podiatrist in Dublin.
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We have clinics based in Dublin and Athlone;
Wicklow Street Podiatry Clinic 31 Wicklow Street
Merrion Foot Clinic 23 Seafield Rd Blackrock Dublin
Priory Foot Clinic 14 Priory Office Park Stillorgan Rd Dublin
Athlone Foot Clinic Unit 2 95 Sean Costello Street Athlone Westmeath
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Merrion Foot Clinic,
23 Seafield Rd,
Trimblestown, Blackrock,
Co. Dublin, A94 DX27
Athlone Foot Clinic
Unit 2, 95 Sean Costello St, Athlone, Co.Westmeath, N37 XE08